
Showing posts from 2021

Word of the Day

 The word of the day is Cairo. Although the city may be interesting, I'm referring to the stock. I started watching this particular stock back in 2010 by a fluke while looking up Cairo, Egypt. The stock was pretty dead back then with spikes at given times then back to the world of nothingness. My how it has grown! A link to check out on this subject (Bloomberg seems to show an interest) are as follows: Check out all three tabs and I mean investigate what you see under each tab. This is the kind of stuff that goes on behind the scenes while everyone is concentrating on all that end of days, political, etc. bs that is totally meaningless, but hey to each their own. The purge thing happens all the time around this planet and has been going on since the beginning, but "if it bleeds it leads" and entertains the masses! Funny how that works. I'd like to go a little off topic in relation to "End of Days" there's ...

An Upcoming Date to Watch

 Well I thought I'd throw it out there just for the math concept. The dark hats love triple numbers and we have several in May. The 105th day(refer to prime quadruplets) of Biden's inauguration is May 5th so let's do the math. 5/5/2021=555 and a little extra insurance of 105 being a middle of quadruplets. What this means is it's a good day for an event of some type, but it doesn't mean it will happen. Also, it is important to note that May 5th, 2021 is when both the light/dark are equal in power meaning the event can swing either way IF there is one. It's also important to note that the next red moon is May 26th. There's also other 555 days in May but none as strong a likelihood as May 5th. Just remember, if anything happens on that day you heard it here--LOL Light, Love and many blessings to all!

Sadhguru Is a Man With Much Wisdom

 Here in the west we think we are educated and knowledgeable but, listen to this man for just a few moments and see how much we truly don't know. Wisdom we do not have here only "beliefs". Do the holy rollers out there think you can compare to this type of wisdom, when in fact, the whole belief system is centered on downing others and excluding them? Watch this video and tell me you have ever thought like this and yet many will still cling to the "comfortable" and tell the rest of us how fearless they are. Tell me just who follows the conspiracy theories: India is supposedly a 3rd world country? Maybe we need to open our eyes and ears to others and stop trying to push our will on others--just my thought for the day! Love, Light and many blessings to all and may we all see that light within all things great and small!

Why Post About All This Math Stuff?

Back in 2011 while on Paltalk, I ran across someone who called himself Code Breaker. All of these works I post come from him and others who thought they could predict the future--they can't! Past doesn't prove future but certain events can have an effect on the future. Code Breaker made many predictions that never materialized because certain events never took place, so a different time line came about. To all of you who push politics, religion, race etc. you have learned absolutely nothing except how to follow another set of rules put into place by that which enslaves humanity. Stop believing and start knowing! All those things were meant to divide the people so those who follow all those things have learned absolutely nothing. When's the last time you actually enjoyed nature and turned off all the electronics and just enjoyed the surroundings without worrying about what tomorrow will bring? Life is short here so why waste it? All that work that Code Breaker did was for na...
 Tables and graphs can give a breakdown making things easier to distinguish, but everything is still about perception, so no 2 people will get the same information about what they see. Like I said before in the previous post, this is all about deep diving that rabbit hole and most won't delve that deep, only deep enough to assimilate learned knowledge with their belief system and this is how sheep are born.  This entire world is one big conspiracy theory but people will cling to the "comfortable" rather than throw away the old to make room for the new. Research takes work, and while I'm posting a lot I've learned through the years, it's up to each individual to expound on the information presented and make use of it for themselves. Prime numbers mapped out form a vortex. Prime quadruplets mapped out form the right angles and ratios of a perfect pyramid with the spiral looking number 9 hidden inside by adding the center numbers. Prime quadruplets are so rare th...

Gematria, Frequency, Prime Quadruplets and Codes

 To fully understand everything I'm going to post it's imperative to watch Sonic Geometry 1 & 2 and the videos about Nikola Tesla on you tube. These videos will explain the factor 9 grid and quadruplets plus much more. What I'm going to post here is other coding I've accumulated through the years. Also, watch the videos on Coral Reef Castle as it also fits in with sonic geometry. For now I'm going to post some notes on coding and making a time table, so without further ado, let's get started. Keep in mind, some of these links may be expired but you can find new ones. Keep in mind, this goes back to 2011 and is a deep dive into the never ending rabbit hole--up for the ride? Simple stuff, two movie posters to look at, and then consider the wicked numerology attached to each. * First Poster: * The latest James Bond movie ‘Quantum of Solace’, was about an Elitist Group called ‘Green Earth’. Green Earth was an Illuminati assemblage trying to control drinking wate...