Word of the Day
The word of the day is Cairo. Although the city may be interesting, I'm referring to the stock. I started watching this particular stock back in 2010 by a fluke while looking up Cairo, Egypt. The stock was pretty dead back then with spikes at given times then back to the world of nothingness. My how it has grown! A link to check out on this subject (Bloomberg seems to show an interest) are as follows: https://www.barrons.com/quote/stock/eg/nilx/cira Check out all three tabs and I mean investigate what you see under each tab. This is the kind of stuff that goes on behind the scenes while everyone is concentrating on all that end of days, political, etc. bs that is totally meaningless, but hey to each their own. The purge thing happens all the time around this planet and has been going on since the beginning, but "if it bleeds it leads" and entertains the masses! Funny how that works. I'd like to go a little off topic in relation to "End of Days" there's ...